Starting A Community Creche

Want to start a Nativity Display in your community??

Image credit: Cathy Mitchell
Week 1: Creche planning meeting, making of & building outdoor signage.
Week 2: Creche meeting, bulletin countdown (for church member's information,) create posters and flyers, online advertising,     display outdoor signage, fix outdoor lights if needed.
Week 3: Engage church members and pass out flyers and posters for community during the week, light up outdoor sign and nativity.
Week 4: Start bringing material and basics (cords, stands, etc.)
     -Thursday evening: set up tables and stage in gymnasium.
     -Friday: 9-2pm set up, 7-9pm set up (assign people during these times.)
     -Saturday: Electrical, arrange lighting, Christmas tree setup, stable backdrop setup.
Week 5:
     -Sunday: All nativities arrive.
     -Monday: 9-3pm setup of nativities, costume room prepped and setup.
     -Tuesday: 9-3pm setup of nativities, adjacent room setup and decorated.
     -Wednesday: 9-3pm setup of nativities, 7-9pm the final touches. Musical program dress rehearsal, 7pm.
     -Thursday: First Day of Creche! Public welcome 2-8pm.
     -Friday: Second Day of Creche! Public welcome 2-8pm. Musical program at 7pm, nativities viewing closed during program.
     -Saturday: Last Day of Creche! Public welcome 2-8pm.
Week 6: Owners pack up their own nativities. Final cleanup a few days following.

Image credit: Cathy Mitchell

Image credits: Holly Lybbert
Image credit: Teresa Brown

-contact local newspapers, tv and radio with ads aired/published in a timely manner coordinating with opening night.
-use social media (facebook event, page, group, etc., twitter.)
-create a website.
-posters and flyers.

Volunteer Responsibilities:
Outdoor Sign * Outdoor Nativity * Pictures * Child Activities * Set Up * Bulletin Boards/Invitations * Food for Workers * Hosts/Hostesses * Care Home Visitors * Cider/Snacks-Night-Seniors * Music in for set-up * Security * Unpacking-Recording of nativities * Tables * Snow Removal * Stable Backdrop Setup * Childcare while moms come * Checklist for church members * Clean-up * Live Music * Ironing/Washing of Costumes * Dressing Up/Costumes  * Sign-in Guest Book *Lights Outdoor * Indoor Lights * Decorating an adjacent room * Chapel Set up * Take Home Item for public * Christmas Trees * Musical Program

Image credit: Teresa Brown

-have the next year's meeting right after the creche weekends wraps up.
-decide on theme, colours, etc., and plan accordingly to find materials throughout the year.
-keep all receipts.
-stay on budget.
-keep one book of records for historical purposes and future reference.
-write down everything you want to remember (poster locations, costs of food, list of volunteers, music program details.)

Image credit: Teresa Brown

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