Friday, November 16, 2012

Creche 2011: "Wise Men Still Seek Him"

Image Credits: Kara Strate
Source here.

Image Credits: Wendy Wheat

Theme: "Wise Men Still Seek Him" article: 

Northeast News article: 

Northern Groove article:


The Bartok's in Mountain View, Alberta said...

I received this message from a lady I invited ( she is the president of the Toastmasters Club here is FSJ):
Hi Deb
My friend and I went to the Nativity display and it was beautiful. I was just blown away and I can only imagine how many hours went into something like that. We were given 2 beautiful tree ornaments and it really put me in the Christmas spirit. I never dreamed so many nativity scenes were designed across the world. So I have been telling everyone I meet to visit it, as this was my first time.

Unknown said...

You've been pinned! Some of your photos have been pinned onto a pinterest board specializing in nativity shows.